GIAS – Global Islamic Archaeology Showcase

This was a great success, in bringing together, literally, a global range of presentations on Islamic archaeology. The review below was written by Hannah Parsons-Morgan and Awet Teklehimanot Araya and more details on the conference can be found at

– Tim

The Global Islamic Archaeology Showcase was an online conference initiated and organised by Hannah Parsons-Morgan and Awet Teklehimanot Araya, two Ph.D. candidates from the Centre for Islamic Archaeology, based in the Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies (IAIS), University of Exeter. Held on 26th and 3rd October 2020, GIAS was a free online conference aimed to bring together Early Career Researchers who are working within the field of Islamic archaeology regardless of geographical or chronological focus.

​We are thankful to all those who participated and contributed, and we are pleased that GIAS achieved its central aim of providing a platform for those in the early years of their academic careers to share their research and to connect with scholars at all levels of their careers. GIAS has helped foster a wide network of scholars from around the world and we were joined on the day by audience members from the Americas, Africa, Europe and Asia, all of whom made the conference successful.

Presentations were made by Ph.D. students and Early Career Researchers, as well as those studying for an MA by Research, whose research focus is Islamic archaeology and material culture in the broadest sense. We heard about research on a wide range of topics, including ceramics, trade goods and maritime networks, landscape archaeology and architecture, and so much more, from the Balkans to Ghana, Sudan to Java, and ranging in date from the 7th to 20th centuries”.

Map of GIAS registrations and participants (photo. H. Parsons-Morgan and A.T. Araya)

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